…due course. Copyright and terms of use Coming soon Coming soon. Coming soon Coming soon Accès Comment accéder à la plateforme de livres numériques ? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,…

Common Collection

…school year. Download the complete list for the 2024-2025 Biblius common collection. Data on the language and place of publication of the works in the common collection The common collection

Shared Collection – Test

…non-fiction; poetry; etc. The collection also aims: a parity between male and female authors; a diversity of points of views; a variety of types of illustration; a variety of subjects,…

Tools and training

Admin guide and tools ABOUT Many tools are available for the local Biblius administrators, librarians and documentation technicians, such as: Admin Guide (French only). Short informative videos about different functions…


…include books from elsewhere and in other languages. The common collection The Ministère de l’Éducation (MEQ) is offering, via Biblius, a common collection of ebooks offered to all students and