After more than 2 years of development and experimentation, Biblius will be deployed in all Québec school service centers (SSC) and school boards (SB) as of September 29, 2021.


New for 2021-2022: the shared collection

For the 2021-2022 school year, the ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ) offers a shared collection of e-books, accessible at all times via Biblius, to all students and members of school staff in the public network. For more information: see here.

With regard to local orientations and resources, each SSC and SB may, if he or she so wishes, develop their own local collection in complementarity with the shared collection. Note that local purchases can begin as soon as the platform is accessible, but some features, such as setting aside full licenses for a teacher and alerts in the administrator interface, will not be available until later this fall. In this sense, training on local purchases will not start before November. Those who make purchases by then will of course have access to the new licenses, but the functionality in the platform will be the same as in spring 2021.

This model, integrating local collections and a shared collection, represents an innovative starting point for the deployment of digital book lending in school libraries.

New for 2021-2022: filter linked to students’ grade level

Thanks to a filter that detects the grade level of students at the time of connection, elementary school students do not have access to e-books whose target audience is equal to or greater than 12 years old. For more information, you can watch this short video (in French only).

Access and login

Access to the platform is functional as soon as the information technology (IT) department of each SB or SSC has completed the 2 short steps required to connect Biblius to the school portal.

  • For more information on access and connection: you can watch this short video (in French only).
  • To consult the list of settings which have activated the connection: see here.

Also, more info will soon be added to the FAQ. Stay tuned!

Tools and training

Various tools are available to support the exploration and technical use of the platform: video clips presenting certain features, promotional material, etc.

For teachers and school staff, these tools (coming soon) are intended to complement the training and support offered internally in your community by professional librarians, educational advisors, etc. Among other things, they can assist you in the educational use of the platform.

For documentary staff and Biblius administrators in each SB or SSC, training, guides and tools are offered. Find out more here (coming soon) .

To learn more about the role of each actor involved in the deployment of Biblius within SSC and SB, see here (coming soon).

More information

General questions concerning digital lending in school libraries: see here (coming soon).

Project as a whole: see The project page.

Restricted deployment carried out during the 2020-2021 school year: see here (coming soon).

Remember that this huge project is part of the Digital Action Plan in Education and Higher Education of the MEQ. It is the result of a collaboration between the MEQ, Bibliopresto, the Quebec school community, players in the book chain and several other partners.


Private educational institutions

Bibliopresto and the MEQ are keen to serve all school clienteles in Quebec. Technical adjustments are required in order to be able to offer access to Biblius via the various school portals used in the private network. Work in this direction began in spring 2021 and is still ongoing. Details regarding the deployment to private educational institutions will be shared as soon as possible.

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