New licenses
The terms of the licenses governing the loan of e-books on the Biblius platform for the next school year can now be viewed here.
These licenses are the result of collaborative work between the various project partners (MEQ, Bibliopresto, book chain, network of Quebec school librarians) and consultation with the school community. Important adjustments have been made compared to the first model submitted for winter 2021, in view of the comments expressed during the trial rollout.
Offer available on the virtual bookstore linked to Biblius
The virtual bookstore featuring e-books available for purchase and loan via Biblius already includes more than 22,000 titles from around 60 different publishers with whom the new license agreement has been signed. Other titles will continue to be added throughout the school year, in line with literary publications on the market and new signing of agreements with publishers.
The virtual bookstore can be viewed here. Note that this link only allows consultation of the offer. To make purchases, it is necessary to go through the administrator interface of Biblius.
Deployment schedule: coming soon
The Biblius platform has been in maintenance mode since July 1, 2021. The MEQ and Bibliopresto are currently working with all the partners involved to develop the fall deployment schedule. All information on this will be published as soon as possible.
Stay tuned!